Web Scraping

Automatically extract relevant data. 

Delivered on a schedule

Web Scraping is the act of automatically visiting a website, extracting data from the website HTML code, and transforming it into something useful. 

The opportunities for Supply Chain Analytics are ENDLESS. This includes competitor product availability, supplier analysis,  compliance requirements, demand forecasting, and much more. It can be public data or require a login. 

Use Case 

BNI (Business Networking International) is a global networking group and our CEO, Nathan, belongs to a chapter in Northern Nevada. We scraped the data from this website: https://bninevada.com/en-US/index 

We transformed it to this dashboard for easier viewing, organizing, and exporting: https://bit.ly/bni_NV


We use a flat rate for scraping services, depending on volume

$300: Up to 10,000 records

$500: Up to 100,000 records

$1,000: Up to 1,000,000 records

10% discount for jobs on a monthly recurring basis